Lit Thinking

\Lit Thinking™ is a private technology firm that combines deep expertise in building technology and science, with a vision to make indoor environments safer for the world. We are inspired by “life” and are dedicated to enabling humans to interact more safely and effectively indoors. Our core focus is the use of Ultraviolet-C (UVC) radiation to mitigate the risk of infection from airborne pathogens.


Lit Thinking: Illuminating Indoor Safety with UVC Technology

Welcome, dear readers, to the brilliant world of Lit Thinking™, a cutting-edge Biotechnology company on a mission to transform indoor safety. If you've ever wondered how technology and science converge to create safer indoor environments, you're in for a treat. Let's dive deep into Lit Thinking's innovation journey!

Shaping the Future

At Lit Thinking™, we're not just another company; we're pioneers with a purpose. Nestled in the heart of Orlando, Florida, at 3259 Progress Dr, Lit Thinking™ is more than a business. We're a beacon of hope, striving to make the world a safer place for all. Our primary goal is to enable humans to interact indoors safely and effectively, especially in a world where the threat of airborne pathogens looms large.

The Power of UVC Radiation

Now, you might wonder, what's the secret weapon in our arsenal? It's Ultraviolet-C (UVC) radiation. This powerful technology is at the heart of our mission. UVC radiation is like a knight in shining armor, battling invisible enemies – pathogens that float in the air. It's a game-changer in the world of indoor safety.

But how does it work? Well, picture this: UVC light is like nature's disinfectant. It has the remarkable ability to damage the DNA and RNA of microorganisms, rendering them harmless. Think of it as a deadly sunburn for these tiny threats, without harming humans. It's a smart, nature-inspired solution that Lit Thinking™ has harnessed for the greater good.

Our Vision

At Lit Thinking™, we're not content with just stopping the spread of diseases; we're driven by a grand vision. We want to illuminate the path to a future where indoor safety is a guarantee, not a question mark. Our work is inspired by the very essence of life, and we believe that by harnessing the power of UVC radiation, we can create a world where you can breathe easy, quite literally.

Unmasking the Innovation

Let's peel back the layers and see how Lit Thinking™ is making this vision a reality. Our team of brilliant minds, including scientists, engineers, and innovators, has harnessed UVC technology to create cutting-edge solutions. We've developed state-of-the-art UVC devices that can be seamlessly integrated into various indoor environments.

From healthcare facilities to schools, offices, and even your own home, Lit Thinking's UVC technology is like a silent sentinel, constantly at work to neutralize harmful pathogens. It's a bit like having a guardian angel watching over you, but in this case, it's a technological marvel.

Our Commitment

Our commitment to indoor safety goes beyond business. It's personal. We understand the challenges the world faces, and we're here to provide solutions. Lit Thinking™ is committed to affordability and accessibility. We don't want safety to be a luxury; it should be a right.

Our UVC technology not only ensures safer indoor environments but also contributes to sustainability. We've designed our devices to be energy-efficient, reducing our carbon footprint. It's a win-win for both you and the planet.

Joining Hands for a Safer World

Now, here's where you come in. We believe in the power of collaboration. Lit Thinking™ invites you to join us on this journey to create safer indoor spaces. Together, we can turn the tide against airborne pathogens, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for all.

So, whether you're a healthcare professional, an educator, a business owner, or simply someone who cares about their indoor environment, Lit Thinking™ has a place for you in this mission. Together, we can make indoor safety the new norm.


In conclusion, Lit Thinking™ is not just a Biotechnology company. We're the architects of a safer tomorrow. Our innovative use of UVC technology is a game-changer in the quest for indoor safety. We're not afraid to ask the tough questions, challenge the status quo, and illuminate the path forward.

Visit our website at Lit Thinking to learn more about our journey, products, and how you can be a part of this revolution. Together, we can light up the world and make indoor safety a reality for all.